Science of Phobias (2)
Courtesy: Google photos Everyone has a fear for something. Estimates say that a very large population of the world suffer from one or more phobias of some specific entity. They are among the most common psychiatric disorders. But the things that we are afraid of and the degree to which we dread them varies greatly from one person to another. But what does “phobia” mean exactly? The word “Phobia” is derived from the name of the Greek god of terror, Phobos. A phobia is a persistent, extreme, unrealistic fear of an animal, activity, object, situation, or person. It is a type of anxiety disorder. A person with a phobia either tries to avoid the thing that triggers the fear or endures it with great anxiety and distress. It can be anything or anyone in this world that might cause fear and anxiety to one’s heart and soul, ranging from fear of animals like dogs or cats to the fear of insects like spider to a specific situation like fear of heights or closed spaces. While one person mi...